
Engenheiro Projetos Sr - cod. EPSr - MOGI GUAÇU - 1 VAGA CANCELADA

Vaga de emprego: Engenheiro Projetos Sr - cod. EPSr

Excelência Operacional (OE)
Local - Mogi Guaçu

Project Engineer Sr
Mogi Guaçu Plant
Projects Managers
Critical Deliverables
• Support the Engineering team to prepare methodologies to optimize the works, prepare the project breakdown in cost for all Brazilian plants, analyzing historical information and requesting information for process equipment suppliers in order to identify the project budget for project approval.
• Execute analysis and understand the project scope in order to verify its adherence with the approver project requirements, defining the activities schedule, presenting it to the internal stakeholders (manufacturing, maintenance, EHS and procurement), formalizing with all the responsible to achieve the approved scope, budget, schedule, quality, company polices and legislation. He will be responsible for the project KPI’s definition as well its analysis and, in case of necessity, prepare the action plan to solve the problems.
• Acting in the project management, being the interface with others areas (Process, Detailing Engineering, Automation, EHS, Supply Chain, administrative and contractors) in order to guarantee that the project commercial requirements and the internal procedures will be achieved. Promote align meetings, lay out definition, cost control, schedule control, set priorities, align the assembling services (Civil construction. Mechanical and Electrical assembling), execute equipment and instrument commissioning and perform the project start up, giving constant feedback to the plant (Planned X Actual) in order to deliver the project in the approved time and budget.
• Support the team to achieve the several quality and EHS requirements, demonstrating that the internal polices and legislation were achieved.
• Develop new methodologies and tools to optimize project management, improving the actual project execution, searching, in the marketing, new options to implement projects, identifying and applying the best practices for project execution, in order to speed up the access of all engineering team to these information, promoting the innovation process.
• Promote the Engineering team interface with the internal stakeholders (Maintenance, EHS, Manufactory, etc.), changing information and experiences in order to project execution as well as interface with procurement, legal, financial teams, providing clarification or asking for legal support in order to contribute with the internal polices achievement and support the Engineering team technical competences development.
• Participation in Engineering area meetings, aligning and promoting the technical knowledge about the project best practices, to allow the development of all Engineering tem competence development contributing for a good organizational climate, retain talents
• Advance knowledge of Microsoft Office: Excell, Power Point and World.
• Advance knowledge of MS Project.
• Basic Autocad knowledge;
• Desirable: Project Management MBA
• Desirable: Basic Spanish;
• Capability of communicating in English (written and verbal)
• Bachelor degree in Engineering (Chemical, Mechanical, Food)
• Experience: Industrial project management
• Good relationship in different levels in the organization
• Good communication skills (written and verbal) in Portuguese
• Confidentiality
• Availability to travel
• Proactive
• Organized
• Discreet

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