
Vaga Webmaster ASUS - São Paulo – SP - Urgente

Cargo: Vagas Urgentes Webmaster ASUS
Local: São Paulo – SP
(Dicas do VG URG: Só atenda ao chamado de emprego se estiver no perfil da vaga)
É imprescindível que o candidato seja fluente.
São Paulo/SP
Job Description:
Manages all company's content in online medias such as Websites, Blogs, Hotsites, Communities, Social Networks, Viral Marketing, SEO and SEM. Responsible for the design and creation of web deliverables, such as newsletters, web banners and localization of hotsites. Responsible for web traffic growth, website user interface and online advertising. Must understand product marketing strategies and concepts of Internet Marketing. Responsible to research, analyze and report traffic information on a regular basis. Every quarter has a higher KPI for goals achievement, CPC (Cost per Click) average and total clicks in ad campaigns, and opening/click ratio, decrease opt-out and increase opt-in in E-mail marketing campaigns, all defined by Marketing Manager.
Fluent English (Interviews will be in English)
Graduated in advertising, design, webdesign
Advanced knowledge of the Google Analytics platform
Advanced knowledge of HTML, XML, CSS (2 and 3) and Flash. PHP, Ajax and Ruby are a plus.
Advanced knowledge of Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Flash® Catalyst™ CS5, Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Adobe Flash Builder™ (With Actionscript) 4 Standard, Adobe Dreamweaver® CS5. Knowledge of Adobe Fireworks® CS5 is a plus.
Experience with CMS Systems. Wordpress is a plus.
Familiar with W3C standards
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Enviar currículo para talentos.asus@gmail.com (colocando no título do e-mail: Currículo_nome do candidato_WM VG URG SP)
Deadline da Seleção para Vaga:

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Vaga em destaque

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